Hey Guys, A couple friends of mine have fallen madly in love with the rhythm game Elite Beat Agents, and have decided to make a Flash Game of their own, with the same gameplay, but a cool twist.
This Game Is Being Created By PaperBat and 2nd Stamp
Actual story mode takes you through the life of a young kid named Trevor. His brother is missing, ever since he became a Song Crusader. It just so happens Trevor becomes one himself, but finding a secret door in the school; the Door of 15 Trials. When he opens them up, all different sorts of "cores" fly away, and one shoots in Trevors chest, thus him being a Song Crusader too. In this story, the world is being threatened by a giant meteor coming closer to Earth every year, and with the power of all 15 Finish Cores, Trevor might be able to save all of mankind. It's to you to put him to the test. Short Anime-like cutscenes will be shown after you advance songs.
Unfortunately the game wont have ingame cutscenes. It does have changing backgrounds. Lets say you have a song that starts off slow and sad, and at the chorus it's full of lovin', the background changes from rain to falling hearts. It's quite the change.
The game will know 14 songs and 1 secret song, which you have to look forward to.